Dawgclan Network

Thank you for downloading Dawgclan Network Downloader. This README will guide you through the basics of installation and operation. Please ensure you read this document fully before proceeding with the installation.

  1. Introduction
  2. Current features
  3. File checklist
  4. Installing the downloader
  5. Customizing the script
    1. Changing the cellspacing
    2. Personalizing your downloader
    3. Adding downloads
    4. Modifying the sourcecode
  6. Getting help
    1. Online documents
    2. Community forums
    3. IRC (Internet Relay Chat)
  7. Whats new (version history)
  8. Reporting bugs/suggesting ideas
  9. List of current bugs
  10. Contacts
  11. Disclaimer
1. Introduction

Dawgclan Network Downloader is a script written in PHP. It is a download counter-logger that keeps track of file downloads and hides download source. The script also includes a statistic page.

2. Current features

  • Keep track of file hits.
  • No MySQL database needed, all stats are viewed and logged via a textfile.
  • Web-based statistics page available.
  • No multiple txt files for logging, all done through one simple file.
  • Optional author website and e-mail available.

3. File checklist

Dawgclan Network Downloader contains the following files:

  1. readme.htm - this file
  2. index.php - main script
  3. style.css - Design stylesheet
  4. stats.txt - example log/info file

If the above files are not all in this package, it may be fake. If this is the case, visit http://www.dawgclan.net to ensure the original copy.

4. Installing the downloader

  1. Make sure PHP is enabled on your server.
    1. Upload the above files to your files folder e.g files\
    2. Chmod all files to 644, except stats.txt which needs 646
  2. We will explain how to change the display later in the readme.
  3. Modify the "index.php" and change the files directory to your own.
  4. Include the script into your files page, via the code:
NOTE: Must be executed before the header of the page <html>
Example: For my page I used:

<?php include $DOCUMENT_ROOT . "/files/index.php"; ?>

The above code includes the script in any page I place it, regardless of directory (files is my directory, you would change it to yours).
I put this code at the top of "index.php" (the main page not script)
Keep this in mind.

Otherwise use the following:

<?php include "path/index.php"; ?>

You now have access to all the functions, and since the script is above the header, the downloads can be sent.
If you would like to include the script after the header, you can use output buffering.
Example: <?php ob_start(); PHP code ?> HTML <?php include script; ?> HTML <?php ob_end_flush(); ?>
Read more information on PHP.net

<?php RetrieveDownloads(); ?>

The above function will determine what it should call. It is also the function that outputs the download table.

If the script won't work for any reason you can:

  • Visit the support forum
  • Go to the help section contained in this file
  • Contact one of the administrators for assistance.

5. Customizing the script

We attempted to make modifying your style as easy as possible, therefore instead of modifying the actual code we created a css stylesheet.

5.i Changing the cellspacing

Cellspacing is not possible via the css stylesheet, therefore to change the cellspacing modify "index.php" and edit the cellspacing manually in the tables.

5.ii Personalizing your downloader

To personalize the look of your downloader a css stylesheet was created that includes the basic css options. Using this you can change all your options within "style.css", if you need more help visit w3schools.

5.iii Adding downloads

Adding a download to the script is made easy via this script. Follow the steps below:

  1. Open the "stats.txt" file for editing.
  2. If this is your first time delete all current text.
  3. Otherwise move down to the next line and add your entry.
NOTE: All information must be seperated by a bar character "|"
Download number|Release Date|URL to description (optional)|Description|Filename|Author E-mail (optional)|Author|Downloads
Download Number - Should be incrementing by one downward, so line one is 1, line two is 2 etc.
Release Date - Date you added the file, whatever format you wish to add it as.
URL to Description - This is an optional field. Insert link to description, or authorpage here.
Description - Brief description of the file your adding.
Filename - Should be the filename you uploaded to your file directory.
Author E-mail - Another optional field. Insert authors e-mail here.
Author - Author of the file your adding.
Downloads - Automatically managed, but you can choose your start statistics.

1|July 20th 2003|http://www.dawgclan.net|Test File|test.zip|admin@dawgclan.net|Rothgar|0
2|july 20th 2003||Test File|test.zip||Rothgar|0

5.iv Modifying the sourcecode

Although the source should not be modified, some users may continue to modify it discarding warnings against this. We will provide minimal support for source modifications, if you would like to suggest an option do so below. If you modify our source Dawgclan Network must be credited and the copyright notices maintained.

6. Getting help

PHP can be daunting to new users, particularly when attempting to install the script. This readme has been conducted to help answer your questions. If you need additional help there are several places you can look:

6.i Online documents

An up-to-date version of this readme can be found at the following location:

6.ii Community forums

Forums can be found at http://forums.dawgclan.net.
If you do seek help via our forums please be sure to do a Search before posting.

6.iii IRC (Internet Relay Chat)

Additional assistance is available through our IRC channel. This operates on a few IRC networks, such as irc.us.gamesnet.net. Support can be found in the channel #Dawgclan which is accessible to any good IRC client such as mIRC or any other IRC programs.

7. Whats new (version history)

1.03 <2003/04/22>

  • Initial release.
  • Contains many quality features.

8. Reporting bugs/suggesting ideas

We appreciate receiving bug reports and are open to ideas on script advancements. You can contact us via the forum, e-mail or ICQ.
If you can, please include the following information when reporting bugs:

  • Determine if your bug is reproduceable, If something cannot be reproduced it may turn out to have been your hosting provider working on something, user error, etc. This will help us narrow down the bug.
  • Next please read or search through the existing bug reports (please remember to check open AND closed reports) to see if your bug (or one very similar to it) is already listed. If it is please add to that existing bug rather than creating a new duplicate entry.
  • Check the forums (using search) to see if other users and administrators have previously found anything similar to your bug.
  • If your bug has not previously been reported then please feel free to add it.
  • If your bug is found in the manual, we will respond with RTFM.
In order for us to fix bugs we need the following information to compare to our tests:
  • Your server type/version, eg. Apache 1.2.22, IIS 4, Sambar, etc.
  • PHP version and mode of operation, eg. PHP 4.1.1 as a module, PHP 4.0.1 running as CGI, etc.

Please be detailed in your report, if possible list the steps required to duplicate the problem. Please do not include fixes in the report.

Once a bug has been submitted you will be emailed any follow up comments. Please, if you are requested to supply additional information, do so.

9. List of current bugs

In order to keep up-to-date, we store the current bugs online.

10. Contacts

11. Disclaimer

This application is opensource software released under the GPL. This package and its contents are Copyright © 2003-2004 Dawgclan Network, All Rights Reserved.